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Following her Bliss Blog

Following her Bliss: Jen Mulrow, Community Engagement Manager at College Fashionista

Following her Bliss: Jen Mulrow, Community Engagement Manager at College Fashionista

Meet the girl curating the vibe behind College Fashionista's instagram @cfashionista, Jen Mulrow! We have a girl crush on Jen's dreamy whimsical style and creative talent (follow her on insta to see what we mean!), and have loved following her career journey since she modeled for our look book back in 2013 - which has included attending numerous fashion weeks and having editorial features published in Glamour! Read on to learn the advice she’d give to college girls looking to follow a similar career path, her fave beauty products, and one of the biggest lessons she’s learned so far in her 20s.



Tell us a bit about yourself!

I grew up in Bronxville, New York and moved to the West Village after graduating from Yale in 2014, where I studied photography. Right after college, I had a fashion PR internship at Wildfox, then got a job in the beauty department at Glamour that fall. I was a beauty editor at Glamour for three and a half years, where I tested out new beauty products, interviewed hair and makeup artists, and spotted trends backstage at fashion week. Now I’m currently the Community Engagement Manager at College Fashionista at Clique Brands, where I run CF’s Instagram account, manage our photography fellows, and plan our social video strategy.

Describe your personal style in three words

Sixties Sailor Moon.

Walk us through a day in the life!

I might attend a beauty event in the morning, where I’ll hear about new product launches and cover it on our Snapchat. Then I’ll get to the office, post content to our Instagram, and check in on our daily social media stats. The rest of the day I’ll have meetings with various team members, brainstorm social coverage around upcoming events, and do any necessary reach out for long term projects. After work, I’ll get catch up drinks or dinner with friends, watch The Office with my roommate and edit videos in bed before going to sleep.

 What’s one of the biggest career lessons you’ve learned so far in your 20s?

That sometimes it’s more important to simply get the job done than it is to get the job done perfectly. I don’t like handing over work that doesn’t feel like my best, but usually that just means I end up stressing out over a project right up until the deadline, or I never feel satisfied with it so I don’t end up finishing it at all. Time management and being able to cross something off your list and move onto the next thing is underratedly important.

What’s been one of the biggest career milestones for you?

Seeing my byline and photography in print for the first time—surrealness times ten! I’m extremely lucky to have already had some incredible managers and mentors so far in my career, and I’m so thankful to them for all the opportunities they’ve allowed me.

When not working, where can we find you?

When I’m not working, you can find me trying on clothes at Beacon's Closet, attending events at The Wing, or dancing ’til late at La Milagrosa.

What are your top 3 favorite beauty products?

My three favorite beauty products at the moment are Pat McGrath Labs Perma Precision Liquid Eyeliner, Nars x Erdem Lipstick in Moon Orchid, and Marc Jacobs Tan-Tastic O!mega Coconut Bronzer. Pat’s liquid eyeliner goes on so wet and smooth, but the second it dries it doesn’t budge. Nars’ new collection with Erdem is so sheer, soft and pretty, and Moon Orchid is my dream lilac-pink shade. Marc Jacobs’ new coconut bronzer is the perfect neutral, cool-toned tan, so I never end up looking orange when I inevitably end up overdoing the application.

What are your favorite social media accounts or websites to follow for inspiration?

On Instagram, I love following The Raw Book (@therawbook) for all things aesthetically pleasing and makeup artist Violette (@violette_fr) for beauty looks and color moods. On YouTube, I like following Jenn Im and Tim Kellner for video inspiration.

Favorite pieces by eff.y.bee?

As a Susan Miller devotee, I’m obsessed with the zodiac charm necklaces. (Hello, fellow Aquarians!) I’m also really into all the different chokers. I love necklaces, so I’m always looking for new ways to style and layer them.

Favorite places to shop, eat, drink, and be inspired in NYC?

Whenever I have a free night, I like to sneak out and go see a movie by myself at the Metrograph. It always feels like this very special, stolen time just for myself. My favorite place in New York is the Hudson River Parkway, preferably at sunset on a CitiBike. (AKA, my old commute home from work.) I love trying on clothing, but more often than not I just end up posting it to my Instagram rather than actually buying it. (Yes, unfortunately, I am that girl in the dressing

What advice would you give to college girls looking to follow a similar career path?

Keep an open mind when you’re starting out, and don’t get too caught up in one role that’s your be-all-end-all. You never know where one job will take you, and usually just taking a step forward in any direction is the most important thing. All of your experiences help build a stronger foundation for your career in the long run. Also, make sure to nurture your relationships over time in a genuine way, not just when you’re looking for a job.

 Best advice you’ve ever received

Take notice of the things that you genuinely love to do, and follow those things. Also, remember to be kind to yourself. I definitely struggle with imposter syndrome and often have this feeling that it’s only a matter of time until people realize I’m not actually good at This, or that someone else would’ve done a better job at That. There are articles I’ve written that I still don’t like looking back at because all I see is flawed work. It’s not a fun feeling! But when I feel like that, I try to take a step back and remind myself to be grateful for where I’m at, trust how I’ve gotten there, and just keep moving forward. That, and call my mom.

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